
The power of sexual healing. Everyone needs time to stop and take a break from the fast pace and stresses of life. Indulging in one hour or two of sensual massage can be the answer. Which ever style of massage you choose Tantric or Sensual; I am the masseuse for you.  Lie back and enjoy the pleasure and sensation of my soft hands stroking over your whole body leaving you blissfully relaxed and tingling long after your massage is completed.


As this is an erotic style of massage, you can be sure that I will not be omitting any major muscles and will ensure that you experience the most intense erotic, shuddering, and drawn-out happy ending possible. You will be pampered from the top of your head, all the way down to the tips of your toes, leaving no place ignored or untouched. You will find the erotic experience so addictive you will be yearning for more.


Tantric massage can be used to heighten all the senses by activating the pleasure centres of the body. When the pleasure receptors in the body are engaged, our inner awareness expands. Tantric massage strokes are done very slowly and sensuously to allow you to explore your senses and become fully present in your whole body, it incorporates all your senses, from your sense of sound, smell, touch, reaching deep into your imagination and sense of pleasure.

Massage Fees

(Please note this is a "relief" service only)


  • £250 one hour
  • £350 90 minutes
  • £450 two hours


  • £350 one hour
  • £450 90 minutes 
  • £550 two hours

    Four Hands massage with any of my beautiful mature masseuse friends is also possible with notice and deposit is required to confirmed the appointment with either of them. Please contact me to direct you to each of their profiles.

    A blissful feeling of relaxation is produced; increased circulation is another benefit of tantric massage which allows more oxygen and nutrients to your whole body. During your tantric massage another benefit is that the release of endorphins is stimulated, the body's natural 'feel good' chemicals, which also allow a sense of well being, sounds good? it is!!

    The oil I use is easy to wash off in the shower but the memories will remain sealed in your mind for a very long time.

    Book yourself that trip to heaven

    Carmen, Treat yourself you are worth it xx

    Carmen Cortez

    Tantric Massage in London